Wednesday, January 30, 2013

i.matter - share your story on bullying & discrimination.

Calling all LGBTQ youths and straight allies!

As a start to 'i.matter', we're touching on a topic that is pretty close to our hearts and minds. It's a topic that might touch a raw nerve in us as we might be guilty of it ourselves.

A simple "That's so Gay!" remark by a classmate, to being ostracized by platoon mates during National Service for being 'feminine looking', or even being 'outed' intentionally by teachers, to being chased out of a workplace for 'dressing different'.

On the flip side, if you have stood up for your fellow LGBTQ friend in a class debate, or made he/she feel included team sports in school, or even stopping an act of insensitive remark commenting on social media;

We want to hear your stories and voices
Highlight not only the experience, the struggles & the lessons learnt from it but feel free to showcase your emotions throughout it too!

Disclaimer - Your private information will not be shared out onto public sphere, unless we've got your permission. We'll contact you via email for any further clarifications or to seek permission to share your story out.

Join in the conversation below or on twitter, using the hashtag "#imatter2013" & tell your friends all about it!

i.matter in my community: Joint Community Statement